Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

God Rebuked The Devourer For My Sake

The word of God says we should bring our tithes and offerings to the house of God and see if He would not destroy the devourers for our sake.

The word of God says we should bring our tithes and offerings to the house of God and see if He would not destroy the devourers for our sake. In reality, I have seen God destroy devourers for my sake. In my office a customer came to withdraw and I paid him. In a bid to satisfy the customer, I gave away the cash before debiting his account while I waited for my superior to approve. I did not know the customer was a fraud and before you know it, this guy has gone and withdrawn the money from the ATM.

I tried to debit the money from his account, but I could not do anything. Somebody had to borrow me the money in order to balance the account for the day. The next day, we called him severally but his phone was switched off. Some of my colleagues told me that he would stop using the account and there is no way we would be able to trace him. I believed that God’s word says he would deliver me from trouble and honour me, with long life he would satisfy me and he will show me His salvation.

My husband and I did not know how God would rebuke the devourer but we kept hope alive. Lo and behold, on the fourth day, this guy got my number and he called me and he said he wanted to return the money but did not want to be arrested by the police. I assured him that nothing would happen to him and the money was intact when he returned it to me. Indeed, God has rebuked the devourer for my sake!

– Sis. T

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