
I Lift Up My Eyes to the Lord For My Help Comes From Him Alone – Day 10


The book of Psalms is a songbook and prayer book, a man called David who was both a prophet and a king wrote most of which. The words in most of the Psalms were prophetic and inspired by the Holy Spirit. The prayers in the book of Psalms is synonymous with the New Testament believer praying by the help of the Holy Spirit as these words were divinely inspired by Him.

Today, we will pray through some of the words and prayers in the book of Psalms. The intent is to change our focus to look to God alone.

Psalm 121 reminds us that help comes from God alone and reinforces our trust in Him. It helps us to say God’s Words back to Him and wait while He hastens after His Word to perform it.

This Psalm will surely impart your faith and help you to be aware of His abiding presence with you throughout the day and expect His help in all you do today.

No matter what the day brings, I will not be moved! I confess that my help comes only from the Lord, therefore I do not look to any man for help.

Scripture reading from Psalm 121 and Ps 46


My dear heavenly Father,
I thank you for Your word that reminds me this morning that my help comes from You alone

Indeed Lord, You are a very present help in trouble
Therefore, I will not fear, Though the earth be removed
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea

The Lord of hosts is with me
The God of Jacob is my refuge

I thank You Lord that You watch over me
You keep me from falling
You keep me from all harm
Therefore, I will not fear

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I still will fear no evil
For You are always with me

I thank You Lord that even as I face any situation
That You will help me and uphold me with Your righteous right hand

That when I pass through the waters, You will be with me
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow me
That when I walk through the fire, I shall not be burned
Nor shall the flames scourge me

For You are the Lord my God, the Holy One of Israel
You are my Savior; therefore, Lord I enter this day with the consciousness that the Holy One of Israel,
The Lord God Almighty

That You are with me and that You are my help
The Lord is my keeper and my shade upon my right hand
He preserves my going out today and my coming in

I rest in His abiding presence and present help He offers
And I look to Him in expectation all the day in Jesus’ name.
