
Come Unto Me: Prayers For The Weary, Wounded And Burdened – Day 12

Consider the following scriptures:

  • Matt 24: 28-30 “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.”
  • Ps 23:3 He refreshes and restores my life (myself); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him–not for my earning it, but] for His name’s sake.
  • Jer 8:21-22:  For the brokenness of the daughter of my people I am broken; I mourn, anxiety has gripped me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of my people restored?

The answer to emotional turmoil and pain, trauma and loss is in Jesus alone. Nothing else can touch you and heal your soul from any pain. No medication, no amount of hours of therapy or counselling session is sufficient to bring rest and comfort to you if you are hurting.

Remember scripture says God is the God of all comfort, which implies real comfort is divine (2 Cor 1:3). In addition, the second name of the Holy Spirit is Comforter. In other words, real comfort is something that comes from God by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus says to the weary and those who are burdened in their souls for any reason to come to Him; the solution is not in your pastor or friend but in Jesus. If you come to Him, He will give you rest. The balm in Gilead can touch your soul bringing healing and wholeness to a broken heart.

Emotional wounds do not heal with time, they heal when God touches you. Paul was such a man who experienced full restoration in his soul despite all his challenges. (2 Cor 12:9)

The will of God for us is a sound mind. For every wounded soul, there’s a balm in Gilead who will heal your soul and put you back together again. Have you lost someone or something of value to you? God is the healer and comforter. Come to Him today. As the good shepherd, He will make you to lie down in green pastures; that marks the beginning of your healing.

You can lie down and as you lie down; He goes to work and He restores your soul. He heals your soul. He will make you to forget the pain of the past like He did for Joseph; He will make you laugh like He did for Sarah, He will take away your sorrows and put a new song in your heart.

The chastisement of our peace was upon Him; he was chastised so we can have peace, receive your peace right now as we go to prayer in Jesus name.


Say the words of this prayer out loud and then proceed to pray in other tongues:

Lord, I am weary and feel burdened from the load of pain
I respond to your invitation to come to you

So, I come Lord Jesus and I ask you to heal my broken heart
Refresh my life again
Balm of Gilead, come and touch my soul and bring me to a place of rest
Make me to lie down in green pastures and restore my soul
Forgive me Lord for looking for help outside of you

Lord, make to forget the pain and sorrow of the past
Make me to hear joy and gladness that the bones that were broken may rejoice In you again
Restore the years that have been stolen by the enemy
And bring me back to glory again

Unto you O Lord do I lift up my soul for I trust in you
I come to you Lord Jesus and I find rest for my soul in Jesus name
Your word says when the weary and broken-hearted call upon your name, you will come and save

I call upon your name today, come Lord and save me from the pain and heaviness in my soul
I cry out in pain, Lord, you are the balm in Gilead, touch me and bring healing and comfort to my soul

As I continue to pray in the Holy Ghost and in my understanding
I confess to you that I look to you and I will not be overwhelmed
I set the Lord before me, and I shall not be moved in Jesus’ name.
Heal me Lord and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved.

Minister comfort, peace and healing to my soul as I wait before you in prayer.

SONG: He will come and save you (Don Moen)

VERSE FOR THE DAY: EXODUS 33:14 My Presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.